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EXODUS CHAPTER 30 - 30:34 AND 30:38

EXODUS  CHAPTER  30 30:34  Frankincense is not to be confounded with incense ( to which it was to be added ), as it is often used apart from incense, We are told what composed the incense__never in Scripture what the frankincense was. All speaks of Christ__the sweet spices of those perfections which we may apprehend, the frankincense of that which God saw in Jesus ineffable. 30:38  What is condemned here is making worship a mere pleasure to the natural man, whether sensuous, as in beautiful music to please the ear, or eloquence, merely to give delight to the natural mind.  JOHN  4:23__24.  30:18  Laver, type of Christ cleansing us from defilement, and from "every spot or wrinkle or any such thing" ( JOHN  13:2__10;  EPHESIANS  5:25__27 ). It is significant that the priests could not enter the holy place after serving at the brazen altar till hands and feet were cleansed. 30:31  Anointing oil, type of the Holy Spi...


EXODUS  CHAPTER  27 27:9  The fine linen commonly typifies personal righteousness ( EXODUS  26: ), and in the hangings of the court stands for that measure of righteousness which God demand of any who would, in his own righteousness, approach. Christ, figuratively speaking, put up the hangings of the court in Luke  10:25__28. The only way of approach was the "gate" ( Verse 16, JOHN  10:9 ). The hangings of the court bar out equally the self-righteous man and the open sinner, for the height was above seven feet ( EXODUS  27:18 ). 27:1  Brazen altar type of the Cross upon which Christ, our whole bunt-offering, offered Himself without spot to God ( HEBREWS  9:14 ). 27:1  EXODUS  25:10 The altar of burnt-offering is double the height of the mercy-seat. The atonement more than saves us__it glorifies God ( JOHN  17:4 ).

EXODUS CHAPTER 26 - 26:19 & 26:31

EXODUS  CHAPTER  26 26:31  The inner veil, type of Christ's human body MATTHEW  26:26;  27:50;  HEBREWS  10:20 ). This veil, barring entrance into the the holiness, was the most expressive symbol of the truth that "by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified" ( ROMANS  3:30;  HEBREWS  9:8 ). Rent by an unseen hand when Christ died ( MATTHEW  27:51 ), thus giving instant access to God to all who come by faith in Him, it was the end of all legality; the way to God was open. It is deeply significant that the priests must have patched together again the veil that God had rent, for the temple services went on yet for nearly forty years. That patched veil is Galatianism__the attempt to put saint or sinner back under law. ( GALATIANS  1:6__9 ). Anything but "the grace of Christ" is "another gospel," and under anathema. 26:19  Silver symbolizes redemption ( EXODUS  25:1;  38:27 ). All the tabernacle rests up...


EXODUS  CHAPTER  25 25:30  Showbread, type of Christ, the Bread of God, nourisher of the Christian's life as a believer-priest (  PETER  2:9;  REVELATION  1:6 ). In John  6:33__58 our Lord has more in mind the manna, that food which "came down;" but all typical meanings of "bread" are there gathered into His words. The manna is the life-giving Christ; the showbread, the life-sustaining Christ. The showbread typifies Christ as the "corn of wheat" ( JOHN  12:31__33 ). We, as priests, by faith feed upon Him as having undergone that in our stead and for our sakes. It is meditation upon Christ, as in HEBREWS  12:2__3.  25:10  All begins with the ark, which, in the completed tabernacle, was placed in the holy of holies, because, in revelation, God begins from Himself, working outward toward man; as, in approach, the worshipper begins from himself, moving toward God in the holy of holies. The same order is followed in the Levitic...


EXODUS  CHAPTER  20 20:4  There is a threefold giving of the law. First, orally, in Exodus  20:17. This was pure law, with no provision of priesthood and sacrifice for failure, and was accompanied by their "judgments" ( EXODUS  23:14__19 ) directions for keeping three annual feasts, and ( EXODUS  22:20__33 ) instructions for the conquest of Canaan. These words Moses communicated to the people ( EXODUS  24:3__8 ). Immediately, in the persons of their elders, they were admitted to the fellowship of God ( EXODUS  24:9__11 ). Second, Moses was then called up to receive the tables of stone ( EXODUS  24:12__18 ). The story then divides. Moses, in the mount, receives the gracious instructions concerning the tabernacle, priesthood, and sacrifice ( EXODUS  25:31 ). Meantime ( EXODUS  32 ), the people, led by Aaron, break the first commandment. Moses, returning, breaks the tables "written with the finger of God" ( EXODUS  31:18;...


EXODUS  CHAPTER  14 14:30 - Redemption: ( EXODUS  type ) Summary. Exodus is the book of redemption, and teaches:  ( 1 ). -   redemption is wholly of God (EXODUS  3:7__8;  JOHN  3:16 ); ( 2 ). -  redemption is through a person ( EXODUS  2:2;  JOHN  3:16__17 ). ( 3 ). - redemption is by blood ( EXODUS  12:13,  23,  27;  1  PETER  1:18 );  ( 4 ). - redemption is by power ( EXODUS  6:6;  13:14;  ROMANS  8:2 ). The blood of Christ redeems the believer from the guilt and penalty of sin ( 1  PETER  1:18 ) as the power of the Spirit delivers from the dominion  of sin  ( ROMANS  8:2;  EPHESIANS  2:2 ). CHAPTER  15 15:25 - These bitter waters were in the very path of the Lord's leading, and stand for the trials of God's people, which were educatory and not punitive. The "tree" is the cross ( GALATIANS  3:13 ), which became...


EXODUS  CHAPTER  12 12:11 - The Passover, type of Christ our Redeemer ( EXODUS  12:1__28;  JOHN  1:29;  1  CORINTHIANS  5:6__7 ). ( 1 ). - The lamb must be without blemish, and to test this it was kept up four days ( EXODUS  12:5__6 ). So our Lord's public life, under hostile scrutiny, was the testing which proved His holiness ( LUKE  11:53__54;  JOHN  8:46 ). ( 2 ). - The Lamb thus tested must be slain ( EXODUS  12:6;  JOHN  12:24 ).   ( 3 ). - The blood must be applied ( EXODUS  12:7 ). This answers to appropriation by personal faith, and refutes universalism ( JOHN  3:36 ). ( 4 ). - The blood applied of itself, without anything in addition, constituted a perfect protection from judgment ( EXODUS  12:13;  1  JOHN  1:7 ). ( 5 ). - The feast typified Christ the bread of life, answering to the memorial supper ( MATTHEW  26:26__28;  1  CORINTHIANS...


EXODUS  CHAPTER  4 4:6 - The sign of leprosy. The heart ( "bosom" ) stands for what we are, the hand of what we do. What we are, that ultimately we do. It is a sign of Luke  6:43__45. The two signs, rod and hand, speak of preparation, for service:  ( 1 ). - consecration__our capacity taken up for God:  ( 2 ). - the hand that holds the rod of God's power must be a cleansed hand swayed by a new heart ( ISAIAH  52:11 ). 4:21 - Exodus  8:15,  32;  9:34. In the face of the righteous demand of Jehovah and of the tremendous attestations by miracle that He was indeed God, and that Moses and Aaron were His representatives, Pharaoh "hardened his heart," Instrumentally God hardened Pharaoh's heart by forcing him to an issue, against which he hardened his own heart in refusal. Light rejected, rightful obedience refused, inevitably hardens conscience and heart. Romans  9:17__24. 4:24 - Genesis  17:14. The context ( verse  25 ) inter...


EXODUS  CHAPTER  2 2:2 - Moses, type of Christ the Deliverer ( ISAIAH  61:1;  LUKE  4:18 ).  ( 1 ). - A divinely chosen deliverer ( EXODUS  2:11__15;  ACTS  7:25;  18:5 ). ( 2 ). - Rejected by Israel he turns to the Gentiles ( EXODUS  2:11__15;  ACTS  7:25;  18:5 ).  ( 3 ). _ During his rejection he gains a Gentile bride ( EXODUS  2:16__21;  MATTHEW  12:14__21 ).  ( 4 ). - Afterward he again appears as Israel's deliverer, and is accepted ( EXODUS  4:29__31;  ROMANS  11:24__26 ).  ( 5 ). - Officially, Moses typifies Christ as Prophet ( ACTS  3:22__23 ), Advocate ( EXODUS  32:31__35 ), Intercessor ( EXODUS  17:1__6;  HEBREWS  7:25 ), and Leader, or King ( DEUTERONOMY  33:4__5;  ISAIAH  55:4 ); while, in relation to the house of God, he is in contrast with Christ. Moses was faithful as a servant over another's house; Christ as a Son...

GENESIS - CHAPTER 49 - 49:28

GENESIS  CHAPTER  41 41:45 - Asenath, the Gentile bride espoused by Joseph the rejected one ( JOHN  19:15 ), type of the Church, called out from the Gentiles to be the bride of Christ during the time of His rejection by His brethren, Israel ( ACTS  15:14;  EPHESIANS  5:31__32 ). 43:34 - Genesis  35:18, note. It is important to observe that Benjamin now becomes prominent. Joseph is peculiarly the type of Christ in His first advent, rejection, death, resurrection, and present exaltation among the Gentiles, but unrecognized of Israel. As the greater Benjamin, "Son of sorrow," but also "Son of my right hand," He is to be revealed in power in the Kingdom ( GENESIS  1:26__28;  ZECHARIAH  12:8, note. It is then, and not till then, that Israel is to be restored and converted ( DEUTERONOMY  30:1__9, note ). Typically Genesis  45:1__2  anticipates the revelation prophetically described, Ezekiel  20:33__36;  Hosea...


GENESIS  CHAPTER  35 35:7 the God of Bethel. Genesis  28:19.  There it was the place as scene of the ladder-vision which impressed Jacob. He called the place "Bethel," the house of God. Now it is the God of the place, rather than the place, and he calls it El-Bethel, "the God of the house of God." Genesis  33:20. 35:14 The first mention of the drink-offering. It is not mentioned among the Levitical offering of  Leviticus  1__7,  though include in the instructions for sacrifice in the land ( NUMBERS  15:5__7 ). It was always "poured out," never drunk, and may be considered a type of Christ in the sense of Psalm  22:14;  Isaiah  53:12. 35:18 son of my right hand. Benjamin, "son of sorrow" to his mother, but "son of my right hand" to his father, becomes thus a double type of Christ. As Ben-oni He was the suffering One because of whom a sword pierced His mother's heart ( LUKE  2:35 ); as Benjamin, head to the warrior...