GENESIS - CHAPTER 49 - 49:28


41:45 - Asenath, the Gentile bride espoused by Joseph the rejected one ( JOHN  19:15 ), type of the Church, called out from the Gentiles to be the bride of Christ during the time of His rejection by His brethren, Israel ( ACTS  15:14;  EPHESIANS  5:31__32 ).

43:34 - Genesis  35:18, note. It is important to observe that Benjamin now becomes prominent. Joseph is peculiarly the type of Christ in His first advent, rejection, death, resurrection, and present exaltation among the Gentiles, but unrecognized of Israel. As the greater Benjamin, "Son of sorrow," but also "Son of my right hand," He is to be revealed in power in the Kingdom ( GENESIS  1:26__28;  ZECHARIAH  12:8, note. It is then, and not till then, that Israel is to be restored and converted ( DEUTERONOMY  30:1__9, note ). Typically Genesis  45:1__2  anticipates the revelation prophetically described, Ezekiel  20:33__36;  Hosea  2:14__23, at which time the Benjamin type of Christ will be fulfilled.

46:3 - It is important to distinguish between the directive and the permissive will of God. In the first sense the place for the covenant family was Canaan ( GENESIS  26:1__5 ) Genesis  46:3 is a touching instance of the permissive will of God. Jacob's family, broken, and in part already in Egypt, the tenderness of Jehovah would for forbid the aged patriarch to follow. God will take up His people and, so far as possible, bless them, even when they are out of His best. In Israel's choice of a king ( 1  SAMUEL  8:7__9 ); in the turning back from Kedesh ( DEUTERONOMY  1:19__22 ); in the sending of the spies; in the case of Balaam__illustrations of this principle are seen. It is needless to say that God's permissive will never extends to things morally wrong. The highest blessing is ever found in obedience to His directive will.

46:26 - A discrepancy has  been imagined. The "souls that came with Jacob" were 66. The "souls of the house of Jacob" ( verse  27,  the entire Jacobean family ) were 70, viz. the 66 which came with Jacob, Joseph, and his two sons, already in Egypt; Jacob himself. See Acts 7:14.

49:28 - Jacob's life, ending in serenity and blessing, testifies to the power of God to transform character. His spiritual progress has six notable phases: ( 1 ). the first exercise of faith, as shown in the purchase of the birthright ( GENESIS  25:28__34;  27:10__22 );  ( 2 ). the vision at Bethel ( GENESIS  28:10__19 );  ( 3 ). walking in the flesh ( GENESIS  29:1__31:35 );  ( 4 ). the transforming experience ( GENESIS  32:24__31 );  ( 5 ). the return to Bethel: idols put away ( GENESIS  35:1__7 );  ( 6 ). the walk of faith ( GENESIS  37:1__49 ).


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