25:30  Showbread, type of Christ, the Bread of God, nourisher of the Christian's life as a believer-priest ( PETER  2:9;  REVELATION  1:6 ). In John  6:33__58 our Lord has more in mind the manna, that food which "came down;" but all typical meanings of "bread" are there gathered into His words. The manna is the life-giving Christ; the showbread, the life-sustaining Christ. The showbread typifies Christ as the "corn of wheat" ( JOHN  12:31__33 ). We, as priests, by faith feed upon Him as having undergone that in our stead and for our sakes. It is meditation upon Christ, as in HEBREWS  12:2__3. 

25:10  All begins with the ark, which, in the completed tabernacle, was placed in the holy of holies, because, in revelation, God begins from Himself, working outward toward man; as, in approach, the worshipper begins from himself, moving toward God in the holy of holies. The same order is followed in the Levitical offerings ( LEVITICUS  1__5 ) In approach man begins at the brazen altar, type of the Cross, where, in the fire of judgment, atonements is made.

25:9  The tabernacle, speaking comprehensively, is explained in the New Testament. as typical in three ways:
( 1 ).  of the Church as a habitation of God through the Spirit ( EXODUS  25:8;  EPHESIANS  2:19__22 );  
( 2 ).  of the believer ( 2 CORINTHIANS  6:16 );
( 3 ).  as a figure of things in the heavens ( HEBREWS  9:23__24 ). In detail, all speaks of Christ:
( 1 ).  The ark, in its materials, acacia-wood ( EXODUS  26:15 ) and gold, is a type of the humanity and deity of Christ.
( 2 ).  In its contents, a type of Christ, as:
( a ).  having God's law in His heart ( EXODUS  25:16 );
( b ).  the wilderness food ( or portion ) of His people ( EXODUS  16:33 );
( c ).  Himself the resurrection, of which Aaron's throne. That it was, to the sinning Israelites, a throne of grace and not of judgment was due to the mercy-seat formed of gold and sprinkled with the blood of atonement, which vindicated the law, and the divine holiness guarded by the cherubim ( GENESIS  3:24;  EZEKIEL  1:5 ). Romans  3:25.

25:1  The general authority for the type of Exodus is found:  ( 1 ).  as to the persons and events, in 1  Corinthians  10:1__11;  
( 2 ). as to the tabernacle, in Hebrews  9:1__24. Having the assurance than in the tabernacle everything is typical, the details must of necessity be received as such. Two warnings are necessary:  ( 1 ).  Nothing may be dogmatically asserted to be a type without explicit New Testament authority;  ( 2 ).  all types not so authenticated must be recognized as having the authority of analogy, or spiritual congruity, merely. The typical meanings of the materials and colours of the tabernacle are believed to be as follows: God, Deity in manifestation__divine glory; silver, redemption ( EXODUS  30:12__16;  38:27 );  brass, symbol of judgment, as in the brazen alter and in the serpent of brass ( NUMBER  21:6__9 ); blus, heavenly in nature or origin; purple, royalty, scarlet, sacrifice.

25:9  ( 3 ).  The ephod ( EXODUS  28:5__12 ), was next put on. A short garment made of linen, embroidered with gold, blue, purple, and scarlet, it consisted of two pieces, front and back, united  by two shoulder-pieces and by a band about the bottom. Two onyx stones, set in gold and fastened upon the shoulder pieces of the ephod, were engraved with the names of the twelve tribes: "and Aaron shall bear their names before Jehovah upon his two shoulders ( the place of strength ) for a memorial." Isaiah  9:6;  LUKE  15:4__5.


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