35:7 the God of Bethel. Genesis  28:19.  There it was the place as scene of the ladder-vision which impressed Jacob. He called the place "Bethel," the house of God. Now it is the God of the place, rather than the place, and he calls it El-Bethel, "the God of the house of God." Genesis  33:20.

35:14 The first mention of the drink-offering. It is not mentioned among the Levitical offering of  Leviticus  1__7,  though include in the instructions for sacrifice in the land ( NUMBERS  15:5__7 ). It was always "poured out," never drunk, and may be considered a type of Christ in the sense of Psalm  22:14;  Isaiah  53:12.

35:18 son of my right hand. Benjamin, "son of sorrow" to his mother, but "son of my right hand" to his father, becomes thus a double type of Christ. As Ben-oni He was the suffering One because of whom a sword pierced His mother's heart ( LUKE  2:35 ); as Benjamin, head to the warrior tribe ( GENESIS  49:27 ), firmly joined to Judah the kingly tribe ( GENESIS  49:8__12;  1  KINGS  12:21 ), he becomes a type of the victorious One. It is noteworthy that Benjamin was especially honoured among the Gentiles ( GENESIS  45:22 ). So manifold are the distinctions of Christ the sorrowful One ( ISAIAH  53:3__4 ) yet to have power on most complete, Benjamin standing only for Christ that many personal types of Him are needed. Joseph is most complete, Benjamin standing only for Christ the sorrowful One ( ISAIAH  53:3__4), yet to have power on earth. Genesis  43:34.

36:31 - It is characteristic of Scripture that the kings of Edom should be enumerated before the kings of Israel. The principle is stated in 1  Corinthians  15:46. First things are "natural," man's best, and always fail; second things are "spiritual," God's things, and succeed. Adam__Christ; Cain__Abel; Cain's posterity__Seth's posterity; Saul__David; Israel__the true Church.

37:2 - While it is nowhere asserted that Joseph was a type of Christ, the analogies are too numerous to be accidental. They are: 
( 1 ) both were especial objects of a father's love ( GENESIS  37:3;  MATTHEW  3:17 );  ( 2 ) both were hated by their brethren ( GENESIS  37:4;  JOHN  15:25 );  ( 3 ) the superior claims of both were rejected by their brethren ( GENESIS  37:8;  MATTHEW  21:37__39 );  ( 4 ) the brethren of both conspired against them to slay them ( GENESIS  37:18;  MATTHEW  26:3__4 );  ( 5 ) Joseph was, in intent and figure, slain by his brethren, as was Christ ( GENESIS  37:24;  MATTHEW  27:35__37 );  ( 6 ) each became a blessing among the Gentiles, and gained a Gentile bride ( GENESIS  41:1__45;  ACTS  15:14 );  ( 7 ) as Joseph reconciled his brethren to himself, and afterward exalted them, so will it be with Christ and His Jewish brethren ( GENESIS  45:1__15;  DEUTERONOMY  30:1__10 ).


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