20:4  There is a threefold giving of the law. First, orally, in Exodus  20:17. This was pure law, with no provision of priesthood and sacrifice for failure, and was accompanied by their "judgments" ( EXODUS  23:14__19 ) directions for keeping three annual feasts, and ( EXODUS  22:20__33 ) instructions for the conquest of Canaan. These words Moses communicated to the people ( EXODUS  24:3__8 ). Immediately, in the persons of their elders, they were admitted to the fellowship of God ( EXODUS  24:9__11 ).
Second, Moses was then called up to receive the tables of stone ( EXODUS  24:12__18 ). The story then divides. Moses, in the mount, receives the gracious instructions concerning the tabernacle, priesthood, and sacrifice ( EXODUS  25:31 ). Meantime ( EXODUS  32 ), the people, led by Aaron, break the first commandment. Moses, returning, breaks the tables "written with the finger of God" ( EXODUS  31:18;  32:16__19 ).
Third, the second tables were made by Moses, and the law again written by the hand of Jehovah ( EXODUS  34:1,  28__29;  DEUTERONOMY  10:4 ).  


19:1 - At Sinai Israel learned the lessons:  ( 1 ). - of the holiness of Jehovah through the Commandments;  ( 2 ). - of their own sinfulness and weakness through failure;  ( 3 ). - and of the goodness of Jehovah through the provision of priesthood and sacrifice. The Christian learns through the experience of Romans  7:7__24  what Israel learned at Sinai. This division of Exodus should be read in the light of Romans  3:19__26;  7:7__24;  Galatians  4:1__3.  Galatians  3:6__25 explains the relation of the law to the Abrahamic covenant:  ( 1 ). - the law cannot disannul that covenant;  ( 2 ). - it was "added" to convict of sin;  ( 3 ). - it was a child-leader unto Christ;  ( 4 ). - it was but a preparatory discipline "till the Seed should come."

19:3 - It is exceedingly important to observe:  ( 1 ). - that Jehovah reminded the people that hitherto they had been the objects of His free grace;  ( 2 ). - that the law is not proposed as a means of life, but as a means by which israel might become" a peculiar treasure" and a "kingdom of priests;"  ( 3 ). - that the law was not imposed until it had been proposed and voluntarily accepted. The principle is stated in Galatians  5:1__4.

19:5  1  Peter  2:9;  Revelation  1:6;  5:10.  What, under law, was condition, is under grace, freely given to every believer. The ''if" of verse 5 is the essence of law as a method of divine dealing, and the fundamental reason why "the law made nothing perfect" ( ROMANS  8:3;  HEBREWS  7:18__19 ). The Abrahamic ( GENESIS  15:18 ) and New ( HEBREWS  8:8__12 ) covenants minister salvation and assurance because they impose but one condition, faith.  

19:8  The Fifth Dispensation: Law. This dispensation extends from Sinai to Calvary__from the Exodus to the Cross. The history of Israel in the wilderness and in the land is one long record of the violation of the law. The testing of the nation by law ended in the judgment of the Captivities, but the dispensation itself ended at the Cross.  ( 1 ).  Man's state at the beginning ( EXODUS  19:1__4 ).  ( 2 ).  His responsibility ( 3 ).  His failure ( 2  KINGS  17:7__17,  19;  ACTS  2:22__23 ).  ( 4 ).  The judgment ( 2  KINGS  17:1__6,  20;  25:1__11 ).

19:25  The Mosaic Covenant,  ( 1 ).  given to Israel  ( 2 ).  in three divisions, each essential to the others, and together forming the Mosaic Covenant, viz.: the Commandments, expressing the righteous will of God ( EXODUS  20:1__26 ); the "judgments," governing the social life of Israel ( EXODUS  21:1;  24:11 ); and the "ordinances," governing the religious life of Israel ( EXODUS  24:12;  31:18 ). These three elements from "the law," as that phrase is generically used in the New Testament ( MATTHEW  5:17__18 ). The Commandments and the ordinances formed one religious system. 

19:25  The Commandments were a "ministry of condemnation" and of "death" ( 2  CORINTHIANS  3:7__9 ); the ordinances gave, in the high priest, a representative of the people with Jehovah; and in the sacrifices a "cover" ( See  "Atonement," LEVITICUS  16:6 ) for their sins in anticipation of the Cross ( HEBREWS  5:1__3;  9:6__9;  ROMANS  3:25__26 ). The Christian is not under the conditional Mosaic Covenant of works, the law, but under the unconditional New Covenant of grace ( ROMANS  3:21__27;  6:14__15;  GALATIANS  2:16;  3:10__14,  16__18,  24__26;  4:21__31;  HEBREWS  10:11__17 ).  See New Covenant ( HEBREWS  8:8 ).  

19:25  The Commandments were a "ministry of condemnation" and of "death" ( 2  CORINTHIANS  3:7__9 ); the ordinances gave, in the high priest, a representative of the people with Jehovah; and in the sacrifices a "cover" for their sins in anticipation of the Cross ( HEBREWS  5:1__3;  9:6__9;  ROMANS  3:25__26 ). 
See, for the other seven covenants: Edenic ( GENESIS  1:28 ); Adamic ( GENESIS  3:15 ); Noahic ( GENESIS  9:1 ); Abrahamic  ( GENESIS  15:18 ); Palestinian  ( DEUTERONOMY  30:3 ); Davidic ( 2  SAMUEL  7:16 );  New ( HEBREWS  8:8 ).


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