19:36 Abraham and Lot are contrasted characters. Of the same stock ( GENESIS 11:31 ), subject to the same environment, and both justified men ( GENESIS 15:6; 2 PETER 2:7__8 ), the contrast in character and career is shown to be the result of their respective choices at the crisis of their lives. Lot "chose him all the plain of Jordan" for present advantage; Abraham "looked for a city which hath foundations" ( HEBREWS 11:10 ), and ( GENESIS 13:18 ) "came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre ( fatness ), which is in Hebron" (communion ). The men remain types of the worldly and the spiritual believer.
19:36 Abraham and Lot are contrasted characters. Of the same stock ( GENESIS 11:31 ), subject to the same environment, and both justified men ( GENESIS 15:6; 2 PETER 2:7__8 ), the contrast in character and career is shown to be the result of their respective choices at the crisis of their lives. Lot "chose him all the plain of Jordan" for present advantage; Abraham "looked for a city which hath foundations" ( HEBREWS 11:10 ), and ( GENESIS 13:18 ) "came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre ( fatness ), which is in Hebron" (communion ). The men remain types of the worldly and the spiritual believer.
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