15:2 "Lord" ( Hebrew. Adon, Adonai ). ( 1 ) The primary meaning of Adon, Adanai, as Master, and it is applied in the Old Testament Scriptures both to Deity and to man. The latter instances are distinguished in the English version by the omission of the capital. As applied to man, the word is used of two relationships: master and husband ( GENESIS  24:9__10,  12, "master," may illustrate the former; Genesis  18:12,  "lord," the latter ). Both these relationship exist between Christ and the believer ( JOHN  13:13,  "master;"  2  CORINTHIANS  11:2__3,  "husband" ).
( 2 ) Two principles inhere in the relation of master and servant: ( a ) the Master's right to implicit obedience ( JOHN  13:13;  MATTHEW  23:10 );  ( b ) the servant's right to direction in service ( ISAIAH  6:8__11 ). 

15:2 Clear distinction in the use of the divine names is illustrated in Exodus  4:10__12. Moses feels his weakness and incompetency, and "Moses said unto the LORD [ Jehovah ], O my LORD [ Adonai ], I am not eloquent," Since service is in question, Moses ( appropriately ) Jehovah as LORD. But now power is in question, and it is not the LORD ( Adonai ) but Jehovah ( LORD ) who answers ( referring to creation power )__"and Jehovah said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? . . . Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth." The same distinction appears in Joshua  7:8__11.  "Lord GOD" ( Hebrew  Adonai Jehovah ). When used distinctively, this compound name, while gathering into one the special meanings of each ( GENESIS  2:4;  15:2 ) will be found to emphasize the Adonai rather than the Jehovah character of Deity. 

15:18 The Abrahamic Covenant as formed ( GENESIS  12:1__4 ) and confirmed ( GENESIS  13:14__17;  15:17;  17:1__8 ) is in seven distinct parts: ( 1 ) "I will make of thee a great nation." Fulfilled in a threefold way:  ( a ) In a natural posterity__"as the dust of the earth" ( GENESIS  13:16;  JOHN  8:37 ), viz. the Hebrew people,  ( b ) In a spiritual posterity__"look now toward heaven . . . so shall thy seed be" ( JOHN  8:39;  ROMANS  4:16__17;  9:7__8 ), viz. all men of faith, whether Jew or Gentile. ( c ) Fulfilled also through Ishmael ( GENESIS  17:18__20 ).
( 2 ) "I will bless thee." Fulfilled in two ways: ( a ) temporally ( GENESIS  13:14__15,  17;  15:18 ).  ( b ) spiritually ( GENESIS  15:6;  JOHN  8:56 ).
( 3 ) "And make thy name great." Abraham's is one of the universal names.
( 4 ) "And thou shalt be a blessing" ( GALATIANS  3:13__14 ). 
( 5 ) "I will bless them that bless thee." In fulfilment closely related to the next clause. 

15:18 ( 6 ) "And curse him that curseth thee." Wonderfully fulfilled in the history of the dispersion. It has invariably fared ill with the people who have persecuted the Jew__well with those who have protected him. The future will still more remarkably prove this principle ( DEUTERONOMY  30:7;  ISAIAH  14:1__2 ). 
( 7 ) "In thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed." This is the great evangelic promise fulfilled in Abraham's Seed, Christ ( GALATIANS  3:16;  JOHN  8:56__58 ). It brings into greater definiteness the promise of the Adamic Covenant concerning the Seed of the woman ( GENESIS  3:15 ).
NOTE.__The gift of the land is modified by prophecies of three dispossessions and restorations ( GENESIS  15:13__14,  16;  JEREMIAH  25:11__12 ). Two dispossessions and restorations have been accomplished. Israel is now in the third dispersion, from which she will be restored at the return of the Lord as King under the Davidic Covenant ( DEUTERONOMY  30:3;  JEREMIAH  23:5__8;  EZEKIEL  37:21__25 ). 


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