GENESIS CHAPTER 32 32:28 Both names are applied to the nation descended from Jacob. When used characteristically "Jacob" is the name for the natural posterity of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; "Israel" for the spiritual part of the nation. Isaiah 9:8. The "word" was sent to all the people. "Jacob," but it "lighted upon Israel" was comprehended by the spiritual part of the people. See "Israel" ( GENESIS 12:2__3; ROMANS 11:26 ). GENESIS CHAPTER 29 29:1 Jacob at Haran becomes a striking illustration, if not type, of the nation descended from him in its present long dispersion. Like Israel, he was: ( 1 ). Out of the place of blessing ( GENESIS 26:3 ); ( 2 ). without an alter ( HOSEA 3:4__5 ); ( 3 ). gained an evil name ( GENESIS 31:1; ROMANS 2:17__24 ); ( 4 ). but was under the covenant care of Jehovah ( GENESIS 28:13__14; ROMANS 11:1; 25:30 ); ( 5 )....