
Showing posts from November, 2017


GENESIS  CHAPTER  22 22:1 The spiritual experience of Abraham was marked by four great crises, each of which involved a surrender of something naturally most dear. These were: ( 1 ) Country and kindred ( GENESIS  12:1  MATTHEW  10:34__39 ).  ( 2 ) His nephew, Lot; especially dear to Abraham by nature, as a possible heir and as a fellow believer ( 2  PETER  2:7__8;  GENESIS  131__18 ). The completeness of Abraham's separation from one who, though a believer, was a "vessel unto dishonour," is shown by Genesis  15:1__3.  2  Timothy  2:20__21.  ( 3 ) His own plan about Ishmael ( GENESIS  17:17__18 ).  ( 4 ) Isaac, "thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest" ( GENESIS  22:1__9;  HEBREWS  11:17__18 ).   22:9 The typical lessons here are:  ( 1 )  Isaac type of Christ "obedient unto death" ( PHILIPPIANS  2:5__8 );  ( 2 )   Abraham, type of the F...

GENESIS - CHAPTER 21 - 21:33

GENESIS  CHAPTER  21 21:3 Sarah. type of grace, "the freewoman," and of the "Jerusalem which is above." See Genesis  17:15__19;  Galatians  4:22__31. Isaac is typical in a fourfold way: ( 1 ) of the Church as composed of the spiritual children of Abraham ( GALATIANS  4:28 );  ( 2 ) of Christ as the Son "obedient unto death" ( GENESIS  22:1__10;  PHILIPPIANS  2:5__8;  ( 3 ) of Christ as the Bridegroom of a called-out bride ( See GENESIS  24;  also, "Church," MATTHEW  16:18 and refs. );  ( 4 ) of the new nature of the believer as "born after the spirit" ( GALATIANS  4:29 ). 21:33 "Everlasting God" ( Hebrew  E. Olam ).  ( 1 )  The Hebrew Olam is used in Scripture:  ( a )  of secret or hidden things ( LEVITICUS  5:2,  "hidden;"   2  KINGS  4:27,  "hid;" );  ( b )   an indefinite time or age ( LEVITICUS  25:32,  "at any time;...


GENESIS  CHAPTER  19 19:36 Abraham and Lot are contrasted characters. Of the same stock  ( GENESIS  11:31 ), subject to the same environment, and both justified men ( GENESIS  15:6;  2  PETER  2:7__8 ), the contrast in character and career is shown to be the result of their respective choices at the crisis of their lives. Lot "chose him all the plain of Jordan" for present advantage; Abraham "looked for a city which hath foundations" ( HEBREWS  11:10 ), and ( GENESIS  13:18 ) "came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre ( fatness ), which is in Hebron" (communion ). The men remain types of the worldly and the spiritual believer.