GENESIS CHAPTER 15 15:2 "Lord" ( Hebrew. Adon, Adonai ). ( 1 ) The primary meaning of Adon, Adanai, as Master, and it is applied in the Old Testament Scriptures both to Deity and to man. The latter instances are distinguished in the English version by the omission of the capital. As applied to man, the word is used of two relationships: master and husband ( GENESIS 24:9__10, 12, "master," may illustrate the former; Genesis 18:12, "lord," the latter ). Both these relationship exist between Christ and the believer ( JOHN 13:13, "master;" 2 CORINTHIANS 11:2__3, "husband" ). ( 2 ) Two principles inhere in the relation of master and servant: ( a ) the Master's right to implicit obedience ( JOHN 13:13; MATTHEW 23:10 ); ( b ) the servant's right to direction in service ( ISAIAH 6:8__11 ). 15:2 Clear distinction in the use of the divine names is illustrated in Exodus 4:10__12...