
Showing posts from September, 2018

EXODUS CHAPTER 30 - 30:34 AND 30:38

EXODUS  CHAPTER  30 30:34  Frankincense is not to be confounded with incense ( to which it was to be added ), as it is often used apart from incense, We are told what composed the incense__never in Scripture what the frankincense was. All speaks of Christ__the sweet spices of those perfections which we may apprehend, the frankincense of that which God saw in Jesus ineffable. 30:38  What is condemned here is making worship a mere pleasure to the natural man, whether sensuous, as in beautiful music to please the ear, or eloquence, merely to give delight to the natural mind.  JOHN  4:23__24.  30:18  Laver, type of Christ cleansing us from defilement, and from "every spot or wrinkle or any such thing" ( JOHN  13:2__10;  EPHESIANS  5:25__27 ). It is significant that the priests could not enter the holy place after serving at the brazen altar till hands and feet were cleansed. 30:31  Anointing oil, type of the Holy Spi...


EXODUS  CHAPTER  27 27:9  The fine linen commonly typifies personal righteousness ( EXODUS  26: ), and in the hangings of the court stands for that measure of righteousness which God demand of any who would, in his own righteousness, approach. Christ, figuratively speaking, put up the hangings of the court in Luke  10:25__28. The only way of approach was the "gate" ( Verse 16, JOHN  10:9 ). The hangings of the court bar out equally the self-righteous man and the open sinner, for the height was above seven feet ( EXODUS  27:18 ). 27:1  Brazen altar type of the Cross upon which Christ, our whole bunt-offering, offered Himself without spot to God ( HEBREWS  9:14 ). 27:1  EXODUS  25:10 The altar of burnt-offering is double the height of the mercy-seat. The atonement more than saves us__it glorifies God ( JOHN  17:4 ).