
Showing posts from August, 2018

EXODUS CHAPTER 26 - 26:19 & 26:31

EXODUS  CHAPTER  26 26:31  The inner veil, type of Christ's human body MATTHEW  26:26;  27:50;  HEBREWS  10:20 ). This veil, barring entrance into the the holiness, was the most expressive symbol of the truth that "by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified" ( ROMANS  3:30;  HEBREWS  9:8 ). Rent by an unseen hand when Christ died ( MATTHEW  27:51 ), thus giving instant access to God to all who come by faith in Him, it was the end of all legality; the way to God was open. It is deeply significant that the priests must have patched together again the veil that God had rent, for the temple services went on yet for nearly forty years. That patched veil is Galatianism__the attempt to put saint or sinner back under law. ( GALATIANS  1:6__9 ). Anything but "the grace of Christ" is "another gospel," and under anathema. 26:19  Silver symbolizes redemption ( EXODUS  25:1;  38:27 ). All the tabernacle rests up...