EXODUS CHAPTER 12 12:11 - The Passover, type of Christ our Redeemer ( EXODUS 12:1__28; JOHN 1:29; 1 CORINTHIANS 5:6__7 ). ( 1 ). - The lamb must be without blemish, and to test this it was kept up four days ( EXODUS 12:5__6 ). So our Lord's public life, under hostile scrutiny, was the testing which proved His holiness ( LUKE 11:53__54; JOHN 8:46 ). ( 2 ). - The Lamb thus tested must be slain ( EXODUS 12:6; JOHN 12:24 ). ( 3 ). - The blood must be applied ( EXODUS 12:7 ). This answers to appropriation by personal faith, and refutes universalism ( JOHN 3:36 ). ( 4 ). - The blood applied of itself, without anything in addition, constituted a perfect protection from judgment ( EXODUS 12:13; 1 JOHN 1:7 ). ( 5 ). - The feast typified Christ the bread of life, answering to the memorial supper ( MATTHEW 26:26__28; 1 CORINTHIANS...