EXODUS CHAPTER 2 2:2 - Moses, type of Christ the Deliverer ( ISAIAH 61:1; LUKE 4:18 ). ( 1 ). - A divinely chosen deliverer ( EXODUS 2:11__15; ACTS 7:25; 18:5 ). ( 2 ). - Rejected by Israel he turns to the Gentiles ( EXODUS 2:11__15; ACTS 7:25; 18:5 ). ( 3 ). _ During his rejection he gains a Gentile bride ( EXODUS 2:16__21; MATTHEW 12:14__21 ). ( 4 ). - Afterward he again appears as Israel's deliverer, and is accepted ( EXODUS 4:29__31; ROMANS 11:24__26 ). ( 5 ). - Officially, Moses typifies Christ as Prophet ( ACTS 3:22__23 ), Advocate ( EXODUS 32:31__35 ), Intercessor ( EXODUS 17:1__6; HEBREWS 7:25 ), and Leader, or King ( DEUTERONOMY 33:4__5; ISAIAH 55:4 ); while, in relation to the house of God, he is in contrast with Christ. Moses was faithful as a servant over another's house; Christ as a Son...