GENESIS CHAPTER 9 9:1 > The Noahic Covenant. The elements are: ( 1 ) The relation of man to the earth under the Adamic Covenant is confirmed ( GENESIS 8:21 ) ( 2 ) The order of nature is confirmed ( GENESIS 8:22 ). ( 3 ) Human government is established ( GENESIS 9:1__6) ( 4 ) Earth is secured against another universal judgment by water ( GENESIS 8:21; 9:11 ). ( 5 ) A prophetic declaration is made that from Ham will descend an inferior and servile posterity ( GENESIS 9:24__25 ). ( 6 ) A prophetic declaration is made that Shem will have a peculiar relation to Jehovah ( GENESIS 9:26__27 ). Government, science, and art, speaking broadly, are and have been Japhetic, so that history is the indisputable record of the exact fulfillment of these declarations. See, for the other seven covenants: Edenic ( GENESIS 1:28 ); Adamic ( GENESIS 3:15 ); Abrahamic ( GENESIS 15:18 );...