GENESIS CHAPTER 2 2:3 > In the Old Testament the same Hebrew word ( qodesh ) is translated sanctify, consecrate, dedicate, and holy. It means, set apart for the service of God. See following "sanctify," Genesis 2:3 2:4 > Lord ( Hebrew Jehovah ). ( 1 ) The primary meaning of the name Lord ( Jehovah ) is" the self-existent One." Literally ( as in EXODUS 3:14 ), "He that is who He is, therefore the eternal I AM ." But Havah, from which Jehovah, or Yahwe, is formed, signifies also "to become," that is, to become known, thus pointing to a continuous and increasing self-revelation. Combining these meanings of Havah, we arrive at the meaning of the name Jehovah. He is "the self-existent One who reveals Himself." The name is, in itself, an advance upon the name "God" ( El, Elah, Elohim ), which suggests certain attribute of Deity, as strength, etc., rather than His essential being. ( 2 ) It is significant that the...